Nexsure® Release 3.9.8 (09-22-17)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Updated database with 2017 NAICS codes (new codes take effect 10/1/2017) (F8724)
- Added Retail Agent name as a delivery template variable (F8997)
- Updated download coverage codes for AIG Private Client Group (F8879)
- Updated download coverage codes for Dairyland/Sentry (F8892)
- Updated download coverage codes for Florida Specialty (F8985)
- Updated download coverage codes for Chesapeake Employers (F9004)
- Updated ACORD 131 CUMB 2016/04 (F8915)
- Updated ACORD 126 GL 2016/09 (F8914)
- Updated commercial change request ACORD 175 (F8870)
- Once carrier is selected, prefill producer code from branch commission screen for that carrier to the form (F9011)
- Added Windstorm to cause of loss drop down on the ACORD 140 (F2820)
- Added additional values to ACORD 140 valuation drop down selection: Actual Loss Sustained, Stated Amount. Corrected Functional Replacement Value to Functional Replacement Cost (F8703)
- Added deductible types of hours and flat to drop down option on Acord 140 (F8809)
- Have full address populate from the 125 to the 140 premises street address field. Truncate if necessary (F8886)
- Ability to pull location address in with Subjects of Insurance in Office Integration Templates (F8986)
- Add new Leads Analysis Report (F8996)
- Add agency name to Proof of Payment Report (F8530)
- New Client Production Mailing Report (combination of client contact and production reports) (F8874)
- Add new Summary Page Only option for Summary Bill report (F8899)
Resolved Issues
- Retail Agent commission greater than agency commission error received on policies that don't have a Retail Agent (D28102)
- Limit maximum number of bookmarks to 100 to avoid performance issues (D28082)
- 500 server error when clicking on an exception on Interface screen (D28083)
- Deliveries that contain greater than or less than signs in the subject lines cause errors (D28114)
- The default from TEXT number is pulling the Fax number instead of phone number (D27920)
- The body of the fax cover page truncates text even though there is room on the page for the text (D26700)
- Emails from the 2nd email address on a client profile are still coming in even though Authenticated Email is disabled on profile (D27785)
- When trying to delete a rejected email, if any of the emails has an Action associated, an error is received (D27052)
- Using Mass Email on a Certificate and selecting a delivery template with an attachments errors (D28057)
- ACORD 127/137OR form does not have Producer Signature available for selection (D27987)
- 140 is marked for binder flow but doesn't show (D28041)
- Proof of Payment - Long Received By name getting cut off on Receipt Payments (D599)
- Proof of Payment - Date received should be date booked of cash receipt (D600)
- Proof of Payment - Payment id should not contain a comma (D5520)
- Proof of Payment - Receive Payments should display org address since it displays org name (D13670)